Nicorp Online

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Music Formats Hurt My Head!!

The latest article in Pc World talks about the types of mp3 players and music stores available online, and points out clearly that it is not verry simple to shop around without knowing your file formats clearly and understand what to do with the file formats you have. So i'll just do a quik review of the article and the blog is open to all people who would like to post comments on the article. So as I was metioning earlier you need to know your file formats to get stared with mp3 players and music stores. The most common formats we see are mp3 WMA and if you use the itunes music store the AAC (Advanced Audio Coding, or MP4) the problem with this format is that it's only exepted by apples mp3 players (IPod,IPod Mini,IPod Photo,IPod Nano) so if you take anyone of apples paths your stuck with apple. If you take a other music store than apples or another mp3 player than apple's IPod's than you have alot more choice. Most other music stores like rapshody or napster put there music out in WMA format and almost all mp3 player's (accept for Apples IPod) accept this file type. So with this path you have alot more choice as in mp3 player and music store. If you take the mp3 path you have a chioce of alot of mp3 player's but music stores you don't have alot to choose from, because not alot of popular music stores offer mp3 as there file format. If you really like mp3 you can always take your files like AAC WMA mp3 and burn them to a cd then rip them off with windows media player wich will turn the files into mp3 automaticly but along the way you lose some quality in your music. So my conclusion was that the WMA path to take is probaly the most flexible path to take, but Apples path could be a very good path for mac users and also windows uses even thow you have less flex you got the style and a good price tag. So It's up to you...

Nick Santella


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